Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ouija or not to Ouija, that is a question.

Ouija Boards are almost universally condemned today. I have found that such things have been behind evil events, but most of the time they have been harmless--more game than gateway to Satan's realm. Maybe it was my earliest experiences with them that has caused me to be more accepting of the Talking Board. As a child my mother played with the board all the time, and many hours were passed talking to our spirit friends about such things as the Cherokee Nation and the Civil War. I knew more about "The Bloody Angle" and the Battle of Cold Harbor from those who were there. When ever anything negative came of the board my mother just sent them away! The tirade against Ouija Boards came with that low budget thriller "Witchboard" and such things. Strangely enough even the most hard headed Ghost hunters who put little credence in anything metaphysical, Condemn Ouija Boards. I do not--BUT I do urge people to be wary in using them. Some great poetry has been written using them, even several whole novels! One dictated by Mark Twain--some even said it did sound like the old sinner's work. Attempts to contact Shakespeare have met with little success--so there hasn't been any new plays--to date. Now the "Spirit Box" and "Omivox" dominate the ghost hunting discipline. We are getting reports of evil and negative accounts from sessions with these new tools. Maybe they too will be condemned in time. Tell me if you have had a positive of negative experience with the Talking Board. You can contact me at hainthunter@aol.com

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