Thursday, May 24, 2012

The historic 100 year old Glen Tavern Inn is located at Santa Paula, California. The three story Tudor Revival hotel has many stories of ghosts but, My team of ghost hunters were startled to run into one of them--and not one you would expect. Doing EVP research in room 307, on the 3rd Floor, we picked up a unique sound--the whimpering and bark of a dog. There were no dogs there and this was picked up on two machines at the same time. There was half a dozen witnesses as well. A psychic visiting the inn, hours before said she felt the presence of a large dog. What the group didn't know was that, this room was used in the late 1920s to house the Silent Movie Star--Rin-Tin-Tin. He made a movie here on location. The sound--in this room--made sense. This captured EVP confirms the haunted heritage of the Glen Tavern and confirms that ghosts are not always people.

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